qualitycaremn@gmail.com (612) 598-4486

What is ARMHS

The ARMHS initiative stands as a beacon of recovery-focused rehabilitation, empowering individuals to foster and augment their psychiatric equilibrium across diverse facets of their existence, encompassing facets such as mastering the management of mental illness symptoms, honing interpersonal communications, adept household management, and preventing relapses. It creates a nurturing ground where abilities that were overshadowed or eroded due to the manifestations of mental illness can be rediscovered, nurtured, and fortified through a diligent process of education and training. Our adept ARMHS specialists extend personalized support, embracing both home settings and broader community environments. These practitioners are dedicated to guiding, aiding, and bolstering individuals in mastering various skills and accomplishing an array of goals, including:

We provide the following:

  • Basic Living and Social Skills
  • Community Intervention
  • Medication Education
  • Transitioning to Community Living


By working with you and listening to your concerns, we can help develop effective strategies for you to use to begin building a solid foundation for an improved quality of life. Our counseling services range from meeting one-on-one with a trained therapist, to talking about shared issues in a group setting, to family and couples sessions. Our counselors work hand-in-hand with our staff psychiatrists and medical providers, as well as case managers, to ensure that all of your needs are fulfilled.

Empowering Individuals to
Reach Their Full Potential

ARMHS Services